IP Notification Response
To obtain the payload of a specific inquiry, the Thinksurance Public API, denoted as "the API," offers a set of various endpoints to return the IP Notification.
Attributes of the HTTP response for the IPNotification
JSON dictionary of key-value pairs. Each key is an unique identifier of an inquiry and value represents a concrete item with all inquiry related data. To understand the item data, check Item Scheme below. | |||
Success response | |||
sHash | string | required | Security check, if request comes from THINKSURANCE API (see “Security hash generation”) |
data | object | required | A root object that holds information on inquiry items. Check Inquiry Scheme bellow. |
customer | object | optional | A root object that holds information on customer items. Check Customer Scheme bellow. |
docs | array | optional | A root object that holds a list of document metadata items Check Documents Holder Scheme bellow. |
bToken | string | required | Broker specific token in THINKSURANCE system |
bExternalId | string | required | Partner’s internal ID for this Broker |
iId | int | required | Inquiry ID in THINKSURANCE system |
iCreated | string | required | Date of creation of inquiry |
iUpdated | string | required | Date of update of inquiry |
productName | string | optional | A product’s name on Thinksurance System. |
productId | int | optional | A product’s unique identifier on Thinksurance System. |
industryId | int | optional | An industry’s unique identifier on Thinksurance System. |
professionName | string | optional | A profession’s name on Thinksurance System. |
professionId | int | optional | A profession’s unique identifier on Thinksurance System. |
status | int | required | Enumeration value that defines the status of an inquiry. Possible values:
employees | object | optional | A root object that contains information on employees in the insured company. Check Employee Scheme bellow. |
revenue | string2 | optional | Revenue given in Thinksurance Risk Assessment questionnaire. |
bFoundDate | string | optional | Founding date of the broker’s company. |
taxPercent | int | optional1 | Revenue given in Thinksurance Risk Assessment questionnaire. |
contractStartDate | string | optional1 | The starting date of the contract start date. |
contractPayDate | string | optional1 | The contract’s payment date. |
insuranceCompanyName | string | optional | Insurance company name selected by Customer/Partner |
insuranceCompanyId | int | optional | Insurance company unique identifier on Thinksurance system. |
coverage | int23 | optional | Coverage amount for specific insurance company. |
deductible | int2 | optional | Deductible for specific insurance company |
premiumYearly | int4 | optional1 | Yearly gross premium. |
contractDuration | int | optional1 | Contract period in years. |
paymentInterval | int | optional1 | Enumeration value that defines the payment interval in months. Possible values:
externalReferences | array | optional | An array of objects, containing custom values requested to properly identify the customer on the partners system, for example CRM tool. See External References Scheme bellow. |
digitalOrderAvailable | boolean | optional | value is true if the selected offer had the option to close the order via API (e.g. if a SetOrder functionality or similar is available) |
digitalOrderSuccess | boolean | optional | value is true if for the selected offer the order has been submitted successfully via API (e.g. via SetOrder functionality) |
full | string | optional | Number of full time employees given in Thinksurance Risk Assessment questionnaire. |
part | string | optional | Number of part time employees given in Thinksurance Risk Assessment questionnaire. |
cId | int | optional | A customer unique identifier on Thinksurance System. |
cExternalId | string | optional | Unique customer’s ID in the partners system. |
cSalutation | int | optional | Enumeration value that defines salutation of the customer person:
cFirstName | string | optional | Customer person’s first name. |
cLastName | string | optional | Customer person’s last name. |
cBirthDate | string | optional | Customer person’s date of birth. |
cEmail | string | optional | Customer person’s email address. |
cStreet | string | optional | Customer person’s street name. |
cStreetNumber | string | optional | Customer person’s street number. |
cZip | string | optional | Customer person’s postcode. |
cCity | string | optional | Customer person’s city. |
cWebsite | string | optional | Customer person’s website. |
cPhone | string | optional | Customer person’s phone number. |
cPrivateIsCompanyAddress | int | optional | Enumeration value that defines if customer person’s address should be used as actual business address for the customer:
cCompany | string | optional | Customer company’s name. |
cCompanyStreet | string | optional | Customer business address street name. |
cCompanyStreetNumber | string | optional | Customer business address street number. |
cCompanyZip | string | optional | Customer business address postcode. |
cCompanyCity | string | optional | Customer business address city. |
cExternalReferences | array | optional | An array of objects, containing custom values requested to properly identify the customer on the partners system, for example CRM tool. See External References Scheme bellow. |
docToken | string | optional5 | Holder of a token which allows for access to documents per link. Check Documents Token Scheme bellow. |
files | array | optional | List of objects. Every document has it’s own object. Check File Scheme bellow. |
token | string | required | Token which allows for access to documents per link. |
expired | string | required | Expiration date for document token |
name | string | required | The name of the file. |
fullName | string | required | The name of the file, including file extension. |
hash | string | required | An unique identifier of the file. |
fullFilePath | string | required | The link for downloading file. |
documentPurpose | string | required | Enumeration value check here Document Purposes |
origin | string | required | Enumeration value that defines to source of the external reference attached to either customer or inquiry:
paramKey | string | required | An unique name of the attribute that holds a value from the CRM tool. |
paramValue | string | required | A concrete value of the attribute from the CRM tool. |
1 It is not provided for inquiries in the status 2, 3, 4. 2 Value represented in EUR. 3 In some cases (specific products like Firmenrechtsschutz) it could be string(“unbegrenzt”). 4 Value represented in CENTS. 5 Required if there is at least one file in the list. |
Failed response | |||
error | string | required | It contains a reason for the failed request. |
This section shows examples of different HTTP requests and responses associated with the endpoint.
HTTP Request with bToken |
# https://app.dev.thinksurance.de/api/ipn/inq/<some ID>
# HTTP headers
# 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# 'Accept': 'application/json'
"token": "<some long hash>",
"bToken": "<some short hash>"
} |
HTTP Request with aToken |
# https://app.dev.thinksurance.de/api/ipn/inq/<some ID>
# HTTP headers
# 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# 'Accept': 'application/json'
"token": "<some long hash>",
"aToken": "<some short hash>"
} |
Successful HTTP Response |
# HTTP 200 status code
# 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
"sHash": "bf02dfa7c7bc64c2cfb5",
"data": {
"bToken": "41ba17f637177a0b34d2ac11d",
"bExternalId": "1",
"iId": 1878887,
"iCreated": "2024-03-06",
"iUpdated": "2024-03-06",
"productName": "Cyberversicherung",
"productId": 95,
"industryName": "Gastronomie",
"industryId": 113,
"professionName": "Cafe",
"professionId": 258,
"status": 25,
"iExternalReferences": [
"origin": "crm",
"paramKey": "oV-Angebots-Nr",
"paramValue": "4342344"
"origin": "crm",
"paramKey": "oV-Antrags-Nr",
"paramValue": "4342344"
"origin": "crm",
"paramKey": "oV-Deckungskonzept-ID",
"paramValue": "11052060"
"origin": "crm",
"paramKey": "oV-Vertrag-ID",
"paramValue": "4342343"
"origin": "crm",
"paramKey": "oV-Vertrags-Nr",
"paramValue": "4342345"
"origin": "crm",
"paramKey": "oV-Vertragsart-ID",
"paramValue": "1021640"
"employees": {
"full": "",
"part": ""
"revenue": "",
"bFoundDate": ""
"digitalOrderAvailable": false,
"digitalOrderSuccess": false
"customer": {
"cId": 520108,
"cExternalId": "9975",
"cSalutation": "",
"cTitle": "",
"cFirstName": "Testuser",
"cLastName": "cu",
"cBirthday": "",
"cEmail": "cust@mer3.com",
"cCompany": "",
"cCompanyForm": "",
"cStreet": "",
"cStreetNumber": "",
"cZip": "",
"cCity": "",
"cPhone": "",
"cWebsite": "",
"cAccountType": 0,
"cAddressIsCompany": 1,
"cCompanyStreet": "",
"cCompanyStreetNumber": "",
"cCompanyZip": "",
"cCompanyCity": "",
"cExternalReferences": [
"origin": "crm",
"paramKey": "oV-Kunden-Nr",
"paramValue": "12345"
"origin": "crm",
"paramKey": "oV-Partner-Nr",
"paramValue": "12345"
"docs": {
"docToken": {
"token": "<some long hash>",
"expired": "2024-03-19 09:42:10"
"files": [
"name": "dummy_file",
"fullName": "dummy_file.pdf",
"hash": "<some hash>",
"fullFilePath": "<some link>",
"documentPurpose": "insurer_docs"
"name": "dummy_document",
"fullName": "dummy_document.pdf",
"hash": "<some hash>",
"fullFilePath": "<some link>",
"documentPurpose": "upload_file"
"name": "2090065_Beratungsdokumentation_Betriebshaftpflicht",
"fullName": "2090065_Beratungsdokumentation_Betriebshaftpflicht.pdf",
"hash": "<some hash>",
"fullFilePath": "<some link>",
"documentPurpose": "consultationDocument"
"name": "2090065_Deckungsauftrag_Betriebshaftpflicht",
"fullName": "2090065_Deckungsauftrag_Betriebshaftpflicht.pdf",
"hash": "<some hash>",
"fullFilePath": "<some link>",
"documentPurpose": "orderDocument"
} |
Failed HTTP Response |
# HTTP 200 status code
# 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
"error": "API User is not existing or deactivated."
} |