V1 Get IP Notification for Account
To obtain the payload of multiple inquiries, belonging to one single account, the Thinksurance Public API V2, denoted as "the API," offers a specialised endpoint. This endpoint allows consumers to retrieve all relevant inquiry information
To search for a list of inquiries belonging to the specific account, consumers should send a HTTP POST request to endpoint /api/account-ipn/get/{:token}. The token parameter represents the security token acquired during the Authentication process on the API (see V1 Authentication). As essential components of the JSON payload within the body of the request, consumers are required to include aToken (functioning as the account identifier).
Action name | search inquiries |
HTTP path | /api/account-ipn/get/{:token}
HTTP method | POST |
Attributes of the HTTP request
aToken | string | required | An unique identifier of the broker. |
iId | int | optional | An unique identifier of an inquiry. |
lastDays | int | optional | If defined, only inquiries that were created or updated that last number of days, will be included in the result. Otherwise, inquiries created or updated in last three months will be included. |
Attributes of the HTTP response
This section shows examples of different HTTP requests and responses associated with the endpoint.
HTTP Request with simple payload |
# https://app.dev.thinksurance.de/api/account-ipn/get/<some long hash>
# HTTP headers
# 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# 'Accept': 'application/json'
"aToken": "<some encrypted string>"
} |
HTTP Request with inquiry identifier |
# https://app.dev.thinksurance.de/api/account-ipn/get/<some long hash>
# HTTP headers
# 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# 'Accept': 'application/json'
"aToken": "<some encrypted string>",
"iId": 123456
} |
HTTP Request with last days specified |
# https://app.dev.thinksurance.de/api/account-ipn/get/<some long hash>
# HTTP headers
# 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# 'Accept': 'application/json'
"aToken": "<some encrypted string>",
"lastDays": 1 #includes results from today and yesterday
} |
Successful HTTP Response |
Failed HTTP Response |