V1.1 Workflow

V1.1 Workflow

For the standard integration with a CRM tool, the provided V1.1 API can be used in the order described in this document. The details for every endpoint need to be taken from the respective pages. All of the below mentioned use cases require a security token from the authentication endpoints V1.1 Authentication.


Use Cases

User (Broker) Creation

On Thinksurance platform, users (brokers) are identified via their Broker Token (bToken). bTokens are permanent and can be stored in the 3rd party application or retrieved in the beginning of every transaction, by using existing endpoint V1.1 Get Broker Token. If users do not yet exist, they can be created with the endpoint V1.1 Create Broker. For all account operations, i.e. operations that require account-level permissions such as creating brokers or retrieving bTokens, the respective, a valid Account Token (aToken) has to be requested beforehand via V1.1 Get Account Token.

The sequence of API calls is depicted in diagram shown below:

IMPORTANT: When getting the list of aTokens, the response is a list of different aTokens. This list should be filtered by the Account Tag (nameTag) parameter. The nameTag does never change in the Thinksurance System. Please contact your Thinksurance Account Manager for the correct nameTag.

It is critical to get the right nameTag from Thinksurance Account Manager, instead to take any of them however the value sounds right.

Single Sign-On

Once bToken is known, the endpoint V1.1 Broker Forward can be used to authenticate and redirect the user on Thinksurance Platform via a time-restricted url. This also includes the transfer of customer data and control parameters. The Broker Forward is a versatile endpoint and can be used for multiple purposes:

  1. Redirect the user

  2. Update user data (broker name, email, etc.)

  3. Define process parameters such as the Thinksurance product_id or whether or not an inquiry should be created immediately

  4. Transfer or update customer data with or without customer risk data (i.e. questions in Thinksurance risk assessment) and or professions.

The endpoint is often used without redirecting the user afterwards. Then it serves the functionality of merely creating or updating data.


Import Agency Numbers to Thinksurance Platform

Agency numbers are an essential part to get quotations and close orders with insurers. Hence CRM systems need to synchronise agency numbers with the Thinksurance Platform. Depending on the setup of the account (which must be aligned Thinksurance Account Manager), agency numbers need to be managed on account or on broker user level. The endpoints differ whether or not the bToken or the aToken needs to be used.

The sequence diagram is as follows:

Consuming Callback messages

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