V1 Get Account Token

V1 Get Account Token


In instances where there is a need to get the Account Token of the current user defined by the security token, by using the Thinksurance Public API V1, referred to as "the API," a dedicated endpoint facilitates this capability. This endpoint is accessible at the path /api/account/get/tokens/{:token}. It anticipates a comprehensive payload as part of the HTTP request, encompassing the requisite broker data.


To create a broker via the API, it is imperative to send an HTTP POST request to the endpoint /api/account/get/tokens/{:token}. The parameterised segment of the endpoint, denoted as "{:token}," contains to the security token retrievable by the partner during the Authentication process on the API. The rest of the HTTP request is a JSON payload of the request body.

Action name

get account token

HTTP path


HTTP method


Attributes of the HTTP request

No parameters are expected in the HTTP request body.

Attributes of the HTTP response

Success response

Success response

JSON array of objects containing:




A name for the requested account.




An identifier for the requested account.

Failed response




It contains a reason for the failed request.


As previously stated, to execute get account token, it is imperative to dispatch a POST HTTP request to the /api/account/get/tokens/{:token} endpoint of the API. Below, instances of potential communication between the API and consumers are provided.

HTTP Request

# HTTP POST # https://app.dev.thinksurance.de/api/account/get/tokens/{:token} # 'Content-Type': 'application/json' # 'Accept': 'application/json'

Successful HTTP Response

# HTTP 200 status code # 'Content-Type': 'application/json' { "aToken": "<some hashed string>" }

Failed HTTP Response

# HTTP 200 status code # 'Content-Type': 'application/json' { "error": "API User is not existing or deactivated." }

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