V1 Get IP Notification by Inquiry

V1 Get IP Notification by Inquiry


To obtain the payload of a specific inquiry, the Thinksurance Public API V2, denoted as "the API," offers a specialised endpoint. This endpoint allows consumers to retrieve all relevant inquiry information.


To access the specific inquiry, consumers must initiate an HTTP POST request to the endpoint /api/ipn/inquiry/{:inquiryId} given by the webhook (see V2 Notification ). The inquiryId parameter represents the unique identifier of an inquiry. As essential components of the JSON payload within the body of the request, consumers are required to include the token and bToken (functioning as the broker identifier) or aToken (functioning as the account identifier).

Action name

get inquiry

HTTP path


  • inquiryId - an unique identifier of the requested inquiry

HTTP method


Attributes of the HTTP request




A security token provided from Authentication endpoint.
Required to provide as a Bearer Token (in format: “Bearer {{token}}“).




An unique identifier of the broker.




An unique identifier of the account.


1 at least one of bToken and aToken is required in the payload

Attributes of the HTTP response

See IP Notification Response


This section shows examples of different HTTP requests and responses associated with the endpoint.

HTTP Request with bToken

# HTTP POST # https://app.dev.thinksurance.de/api/ipn/inq/<some ID> # # HTTP headers # 'Content-Type': 'application/json' # 'Accept': 'application/json' # { "token": "<some long hash>", "bToken": "<some short hash>" }

HTTP Request with aToken

# HTTP POST # https://app.dev.thinksurance.de/api/ipn/inq/<some ID> # # HTTP headers # 'Content-Type': 'application/json' # 'Accept': 'application/json' # { "token": "<some long hash>", "aToken": "<some short hash>" }

Successful HTTP Response

# HTTP 200 status code # 'Content-Type': 'application/json' { "sHash": "bf02dfa7c7bc64c2cfb5", "data": { "bToken": "41ba17f637177a0b34d2ac11d", "bExternalId": "1", "iId": 1878887, "iCreated": "2024-03-06", "iUpdated": "2024-03-06", "productName": "Cyberversicherung", "productId": 95, "industryName": "Gastronomie", "industryId": 113, "professionName": "Cafe", "professionId": 258, "status": 25, "iExternalReferences": [ { "origin": "crm", "paramKey": "oV-Angebots-Nr", "paramValue": "4342344" }, { "origin": "crm", "paramKey": "oV-Antrags-Nr", "paramValue": "4342344" }, { "origin": "crm", "paramKey": "oV-Deckungskonzept-ID", "paramValue": "11052060" }, { "origin": "crm", "paramKey": "oV-Vertrag-ID", "paramValue": "4342343" }, { "origin": "crm", "paramKey": "oV-Vertrags-Nr", "paramValue": "4342345" }, { "origin": "crm", "paramKey": "oV-Vertragsart-ID", "paramValue": "1021640" } ], "employees": { "full": "", "part": "" }, "revenue": "", "bFoundDate": "" }, "customer": { "cId": 520108, "cExternalId": "9975", "cSalutation": "", "cTitle": "", "cFirstName": "Testuser", "cLastName": "cu", "cBirthday": "", "cEmail": "cust@mer3.com", "cCompany": "", "cCompanyForm": "", "cStreet": "", "cStreetNumber": "", "cZip": "", "cCity": "", "cPhone": "", "cWebsite": "", "cAccountType": 0, "cAddressIsCompany": 1, "cCompanyStreet": "", "cCompanyStreetNumber": "", "cCompanyZip": "", "cCompanyCity": "", "cExternalReferences": [ { "origin": "crm", "paramKey": "oV-Kunden-Nr", "paramValue": "12345" }, { "origin": "crm", "paramKey": "oV-Partner-Nr", "paramValue": "12345" } ] }, "docs": { "docToken": { "token": "<some long hash>", "expired": "2024-03-19 09:42:10" }, "files": [ { "name": "dummy_file", "fullName": "dummy_file.pdf", "hash": "<some hash>", "fullFilePath": "<some link>", "documentPurpose": "insurer_docs" }, { "name": "dummy_document", "fullName": "dummy_document.pdf", "hash": "<some hash>", "fullFilePath": "<some link>", "documentPurpose": "upload_file" }, { "name": "2090065_Beratungsdokumentation_Betriebshaftpflicht", "fullName": "2090065_Beratungsdokumentation_Betriebshaftpflicht.pdf", "hash": "<some hash>", "fullFilePath": "<some link>", "documentPurpose": "consultationDocument" }, { "name": "2090065_Deckungsauftrag_Betriebshaftpflicht", "fullName": "2090065_Deckungsauftrag_Betriebshaftpflicht.pdf", "hash": "<some hash>", "fullFilePath": "<some link>", "documentPurpose": "orderDocument" } ] } }

Failed HTTP Response

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