V1.1 Broker Forward
The primary method for redirecting to the Thinksurance Platform while concurrently transmitting all essential data is through the usage of the Broker Forward action within the Thinksurance Public API V1, hereafter referred to as "the API." This action, the first of two, facilitates the redirection and data transfer process (the second being the Switch action). The Broker Forward action assumes responsibility for updating or creating data related to the customer, consultation, or inquiry. It subsequently returns a URL directing to a dedicated payload within the Switch action, ultimately guiding partner to their intended final destination.
To initiate the Broker Forward action, it is imperative to dispatch an HTTP POST request to the endpoint /api/ipn/brokers/forward.
Action name | broker forward |
HTTP path | /api/ipn/brokers/forward |
HTTP method | POST |
Attributes of the HTTP request
HTTP Request Header | |||
Authorization | string | required | A security token provided from Authentication endpoint. |
X-Broker-Token | string | required | An unique identifier of the broker. |
Broker Parameters
The initial set of parameters pertains to broker data. Only specific elements within this data subset are mandatory for delivery. These required elements assist the API in accurately mapping the request to the designated broker. If supplementary data for the broker is provided, the mapped broker information will be updated accordingly.
Notice: Please use the correct format for email adresses. Don’t use spacings or special characters in the email. False: “ exampleMail@mailProvider.com;” Correct: “exampleMail@mailProvider.com” |
type | int | required | Enumeration value that defines the way for mapping broker data from the request:
bExternalId | string | required | Broker’s ID from the partner system. |
bGender | int | optional | Enumeration value that defines salutation of the broker person:
bFirstName | string | optional | Broker person’s first name. |
bLastName | string | optional | Broker person’s last name. |
bEmail | string | optional | Broker person’s email address. |
bCompany | string | optional | Broker company’s name. |
bStreet | string | optional | Broker company’s street name. |
bStreetNumber | string | optional | Broker company’s street number. |
bZip | string | optional | Broker company’s postcode. |
bCity | string | optional | Broker company’s city. |
bPhone | string | optional | Broker company’s phone number. |
bCompanyRegNumber | string | optional | Broker company’s commercial register number. |
bRegNumber | string | optional | Broker company’s IHK register number. |
Callback Parameters
All callback parameters are similarly associated with broker data. The provision of these parameters during the request will result in the corresponding values being updated.
fullCallback | int | optional | Enumeration value that defines if the partner system expects update (a callback) from the API after booking process is done:
callbackUrl | string | optional1 | An endpoint on the partner side that should receive update in a form of callback. It will be used if fullCallback parameter is set to 0. |
mvpFullCallback | int | optional | Enumeration value that defines if the partner’s TEST system expects update (a callback) from the API after booking process is done:
mvpCallbackUrl | string | optional2 | An endpoint on the partner’s TEST system side that should receive update in a form of callback. It will be used if mvpFullCallback parameter is set to 0. |
1 required if fullCallback is set to 0 |
Customer Parameters
The following parameters belong to the customer and serve the purpose of updating or creating a customer, contingent upon whether their external ID (an identifier from the partner's system) is already recognized within the Thinksurance platform.
cExternalId | string | optional1 | Unique customer’s ID in the partners system. |
cSalutation | int | optional | Enumeration value that defines salutation of the customer person:
cFirstName | string | optional | Customer person’s first name. |
cLastName | string | optional2 | Customer person’s last name. |
cBirthDate | string | optional | Customer person’s date of birth. |
cEmail | string | optional2 | Customer person’s email address. |
cTitle | int | optional | Enumeration value that defines the customer’s title: 1 - Dr. 2 - Prof. 3 - Prof. Dr. 4 - B.A. 5 - MBA 6 - Ph.D. 7 - Mag. 8 - Dipl.-Ing. 9 - Dipl.-Inf. 10 - Dr. med. 11 - Dr.-Ing. 12 - Dipl.-Psych. 13 - Priv.-doz. 14 - Dr. Dr. 15 - M.A. 16 - Priv.-doz. Dr. 17 - Bachelor 18 - Master 19 - Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. 20 - Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. 21 - Dipl.-Betriebswirt 22 - Dr.med.dent 23 - Dr. jur. 24 - Dipl.-Med. |
cStreet | string | optional | Customer person’s street name. |
cStreetNumber | string | optional | Customer person’s street number. |
cZip | string | optional | Customer person’s postcode. |
cCity | string | optional | Customer person’s city. |
cWebsite | string | optional | Customer person’s website. |
cPhone | string | optional | Customer person’s phone number. |
cPrivateIsCompanyAddress | int | optional | Enumeration value that defines if customer person’s address should be used as actual business address for the customer:
cCompany | string | optional | Customer company’s name. |
cLegalForm | int | optional | Enumeration value that defines legal form of the customer’s business:
cCompanyStreet | string | optional | Customer business address street name. |
cCompanyStreetNumber | string | optional | Customer business address street number. |
cCompanyZip | string | optional | Customer business address postcode. |
cCompanyCity | string | optional | Customer business address city. |
cBankIban | string | optional | IBAN of the customer business bank details. |
cBankBic | string | optional | BIC of the customer business bank details. |
cBankName | string | optional | Bank name of the customer business bank details. |
cBankAccountHolder | string | optional | Bank account holder name of the customer business bank details. |
cAccountType | int | optional | Enumeration value that defines if customer is private entity or corporate:
cExternalReferences | optional | An array of objects, containing custom values requested to properly identify the customer on the partners system, for example CRM tool. | |
crmIdent | string | optional3 | Enumeration value that defines the CRM tool (Customer Relationship Management), that owns original data of the customer:
1 required if instantInquiryCreation is set to True |
Inquiry Parameters
The parameters below define the data requisite for creating a consultation and inquiry. Combinations for one or both of these entities, as well as the specific time of creation, may vary, and further details are expounded upon in the document, particularly within the context of the redirect URL outcome.
instantInquiryCreation | string | optional1 | Enumeration value that defines if a new inquiry should be created on Thinksurance Platform during Broker Forward. In case both productId and professionId are present, inquiry will be created during later, Switch action.
productId | int | optional2 | An identifier for the product on Thinksurance Platform. All values are visible from the API endpoint Get Products. |
professionId | int | optional2 | An identifier for the profession on Thinksurance Platform. All values are visible from the API endpoint Get Professions. |
iExternalReferences | optional | An array of objects, containing custom values requested to properly identify the entity on the partners system related to the inquiry. | |
1 available only if type is set to 1 |
External References definition
This section contains the structure of the ExternalReferences object. This object serves the purpose of storing supplementary identifiers from the partner system for both the customer and inquiry. The structural design of these objects facilitates the creation of new references, updating existing ones, or deleting those deemed necessary.
origin | string | required | Enumeration value that defines to source of the external reference attached to either customer or inquiry:
paramKey | string | required | An unique name of the attribute that holds a value from the CRM tool. |
paramValue | string | optional1 | A concrete value of the attribute from the CRM tool. |
1 if set to empty string, the record with same origin and paramKey will be deleted on Thinksurance side |
Questionnaire Parameters
Within this section, a data structure for the questionnaire is presented. Upon transmission from the partner system, this data will be used to pre-fill a questionnaire assigned to the inquiry. In the event that an inquiry is not created, the data will be omitted.
qasCustProfile | object | optional | A root object that holds information on questionnaire items. Check Questionnaire Scheme bellow. |
Questionnaire Scheme | |||
source | string | required | Enumeration value that defines to source of the data provided for questionnaire:
categories | array | required | An array of objects containing clusters of questions merged into categories. Each object is defined by Questionnaire Category Scheme bellow. |
Questionnaire Category Scheme | |||
id | string | required | A numeric identifier for the questionnaire “object”category or “default” for non-object categories on Thinksurance Platform. |
questions | array | required | An array of objects containing concrete combinations of questions and answers. Each object is defined by Questionnaire Question Scheme bellow. |
Questionnaire Question Scheme | |||
id | string | required | An identifier for the questionnaire question on Thinksurance Platform. It can be question ID or Tag. |
answers | array | required | It is an array of strings. Each value can point either to a concrete textual answer to an open question or to an identifier for the questionnaire answer on Thinksurance Platform. |
Attributes of the HTTP response
Based on the outcome of the HTTP request, the API has the capability to yield varying responses, both in successful and failed states. To comprehend the structure of these responses, the outputs are described in this section.
Success response | |||
url | string | required | It is a redirect URL that partner system should use to redirect the user of their platform to Thinksurance system. It points to the Switch action. Its final destination is predetermined by the data provided from the partner system in Broker Forward HTTP request (check the table bellow). |
inquiryId | int | optional1 | It is an unique identifier for the created inquiry. |
inquiryHash | string | optional1 | It is a hashed unique identifier for the created inquiry. |
Failed response | |||
error | string | required | It contains a reason for the failed request. |
1 expected to be present in the response if instantInquiryCreation is set to True |
Redirect URL outcomes
The underlying operation and the ultimate destination of the final redirect URL during the Switch action can vary based on the data provided to the API. The comprehensive list of all potential outcomes of the Broker Forward action is presented below. It is noteworthy that some outcomes are happening upon the complete execution of the Switch action as well.
bToken | cExternalId | professionId | productId | instantInquiryCreation | qasCustProfile | Result |
| |||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
| |||
| |||
| |||
| ||||||
As previously stated, to execute Broker Forward, it is imperative to dispatch a POST HTTP request to the /api/ipn/brokers/forward endpoint of the API. Below, instances of potential communication between the API and consumers are provided.
HTTP Request with only broker details |
# https://ipn.dev.thinksurance.de/api/ipn/brokers/forward
# 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# 'Accept': 'application/json'
# 'Authorization': 'Bearer <some long string value>'
# 'X-Broker-Token': '<some hash>'
"type": 1,
"bExternalId": "someExternalId"
# Expected:
# 1. Redirect URL points to dashboard on Advisory Suite or
# landing page of Consult Direct. |
HTTP Request with update for broker data |
# https://ipn.dev.thinksurance.de/api/ipn/brokers/forward
# 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# 'Accept': 'application/json'
# 'Authorization': 'Bearer <some long string value>'
# 'X-Broker-Token': '<some hash>'
"type": 1,
"bExternalId": "someExternalId",
"bFirstName": "Max",
"bLastName": "Mustermann",
"bEmail": "max.mustermann@awesome.company.de",
"bCompany": "Awesome Company"
# Expected:
# 1. Redirect URL points to dashboard on Advisory Suite or
# landing page of Consult Direct.
# 2. Broker data is updated |
HTTP Request with created or updated customer |
# https://ipn.dev.thinksurance.de/api/ipn/brokers/forward
# 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# 'Accept': 'application/json'
# 'Authorization': 'Bearer <some long string value>'
# 'X-Broker-Token': '<some hash>'
"type": 1,
"bExternalId": "someExternalId",
"cFirstName": "Max",
"cLastName": "Mustermann",
"cExternalId": "someCustomerId",
"cEmail": "customer@gmail.com",
"cExternalReferences": [
"origin": "crm",
"paramKey": "AccountNumber",
"paramValue": "1233436547564erf5434"
"crmIdent": "openVIVAv1"
# Expected:
# 1. Redirect URL points to Customer information page on Advisory Suite or
# landing page of Consult Direct.
# 2. Customer is either created or updated if the customer with
# the same external id exists. |
HTTP Request with created or updated customer and created inquiry |
HTTP Request with created or updated customer, created inquiry and questionnaire pre-populated |
Successful HTTP Response without created inquiry |
Successful HTTP Response with created inquiry |
Failed HTTP Response |
Sequence diagram
Within this section, a concise sequence diagram illustrates the procedure of the Broker Forward action. The comprehensive process of transitioning from one point to another is detailed within the Switch action.