When there is a need to add a agency number for a broker an account within a specific account via the Thinksurance Public API V1, from now on referred to as "the API," a dedicated endpoint facilitates this capability. This endpoint is accessible at the path /api/broker/set/anums/{:token}. It anticipates a comprehensive payload as part of the HTTP request, encompassing the requisite broker account data.
To add a new agency number via the API, it is necessary to send an HTTP POST request to the endpoint /api/broker/set/anums/{:token}. The parameterised segment of the endpoint, denoted as "{:token}," contains the security token retrievable by the partner during the Authentication process on the API. The rest of the HTTP request is a JSON payload of the request body.
bToken | string | required | A special token used for broker to identify itself during API calls. Provided by Thinksurance Support Team. | |||||||
token | string | required | A security token provided from Authentication endpoint. | |||||||
agencyNumberSets | array | required | An array that holds information on all agency numbers that should be added. Each item of the array is represented by Agency Number Holder Scheme bellow. | |||||||
Agency Number Holder Scheme
| ||||||||||
baFinIdbaFinRegNr | string | optional1 | An insurer’s BaFin registration number. | |||||||
insurerId | string | optional1 | An insurer’s unique identifier number. | |||||||
supervisingAuthorityId | string | optional1 | An insurer’s BaFin ID. ID or the “Vermittlerregister” ID for MGAs | |||||||
agencyNumbers | array | required | An array that holds information on all agency numbers that should be added for one insurer. Each item of the array is represented by Agency Number Scheme bellow. | |||||||
Agency Number Scheme
| ||||||||||
agencyNumber | string | required | The actual agency number. | |||||||
matchCode | string | optional | Reference for the agency Number that is shown to user in booking process. Please make use of Reference texts that the user can understand | |||||||
externalInsurerId | string | optional | reference ID for insurer in an external system such as CRM system. For some CRMs it is important that the agencyNumber is associated with the right insurer Reference. This ID is also returned in our responses (such as IPN) for the external system to insure referential integrity. Normally this should not be used together with the externalUniqueID | |||||||
externalUniqueId | string | optional | unique ID for the agencyNumber entry in an external system such as the CRM. This field will be returned in our response to make sure the applied agency number can be mapped back to the original entity. This number must be unique accross account/broker and cannot be used twice. | |||||||
defaultForTenders | bool | required | Users get a dropdown list of all possible agency numbers. If this field is true, the respective agency number will be used as the default entry offers generated in manual tender processes. If multpile are transferred with this flag, the last will be used as default. | |||||||
defaultForCalculations | bool | required | Users get a dropdown list of all possible agency numbers. If this field is true, the respective agency number will be used as the default entry for calculated offers. If multpile are transferred with this flag, the last will be used as default. | |||||||
collectionType | string | optional | The preferred agency number collectionType can be defined here. Enumeration type where possible entries are:
| |||||||
internalComment | string | optional | comment that is only visible in the admin portal | |||||||
active | bool | required | default should be true. if false, agency number will not be available to the user in the booking process. | |||||||
1 one parameter out of baFinIdbaFinRegNr, insurerId and supervisingAuthorityId is required |
HTTP Request | |||||
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Successful HTTP Response | |||||
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Failed HTTP Response | |||||