Success response | |||||||||
sHash | string | required | Security check, if request comes from THINKSURANCE API (see “Security hash generation”) | ||||||
data | object | required | A root object that holds information on inquiry items. Check Inquiry Scheme bellow. | ||||||
customer | object | optional | A root object that holds information on customer items. Check Customer Scheme bellow. | ||||||
docs | array | optional | A root object that holds a list of document metadata items Check Documents Holder Scheme bellow. | ||||||
Inquiry Scheme
| |||||||||
bToken | string | required | Broker specific token in THINKSURANCE system | ||||||
bExternalId | string | required | Partner’s internal ID for this Broker | ||||||
iId | int | required | Inquiry ID in THINKSURANCE system | ||||||
iCreated | string | required | Date of creation of inquiry | ||||||
iUpdated | string | required | Date of update of inquiry | ||||||
productName | string | optional | A product’s name on Thinksurance System. | ||||||
productId | int | optional | A product’s unique identifier on Thinksurance System. | ||||||
industryId | int | optional | An industry’s unique identifier on Thinksurance System. | ||||||
professionName | string | optional | A profession’s name on Thinksurance System. | ||||||
professionId | int | optional | A profession’s unique identifier on Thinksurance System. | ||||||
status | int | required | Enumeration value that defines the status of an inquiry. Possible values:
| ||||||
employees | object | optional | A root object that contains information on employees in the insured company. Check Employee Scheme bellow. | ||||||
revenue | string2 | optional | Revenue given in Thinksurance Risk Assessment questionnaire. | ||||||
bFoundDate | string | optional | Founding date of the broker’s company. | ||||||
taxPercent | int | optional1 | Revenue given in Thinksurance Risk Assessment questionnaire. | ||||||
contractStartDate | string | optional1 | The starting date of the contract start date. | ||||||
contractPayDate | string | optional1 | The contract’s payment date. | ||||||
insuranceCompanyName | string | optional | Insurance company name selected by Customer/Partner | ||||||
insuranceCompanyId | int | optional | Insurance company unique identifier on Thinksurance system. | ||||||
coverage | int23 | optional | Coverage amount for specific insurance company. | ||||||
deductible | int2 | optional | Deductible for specific insurance company | ||||||
premiumYearly | int4 | optional1 | Yearly gross premium. | ||||||
contractDuration | int | optional1 | Contract period in years. | ||||||
paymentInterval | int | optional1 | Enumeration value that defines the payment interval in months. Possible values:
| ||||||
externalReferences | array | optional | An array of objects, containing custom values requested to properly identify the customer on the partners system, for example CRM tool. See External References Scheme bellow. | ||||||
Employee Scheme
| |||||||||
full | string | optional | Number of full time employees given in Thinksurance Risk Assessment questionnaire. | ||||||
part | string | optional | Number of part time employees given in Thinksurance Risk Assessment questionnaire. | ||||||
Customer Scheme
| |||||||||
cId | int | optional | A customer unique identifier on Thinksurance System. | ||||||
cExternalId | string | optional | Unique customer’s ID in the partners system. | ||||||
cSalutation | int | optional | Enumeration value that defines salutation of the customer person:
| ||||||
cFirstName | string | optional | Customer person’s first name. | ||||||
cLastName | string | optional | Customer person’s last name. | ||||||
cBirthDate | string | optional | Customer person’s date of birth. | ||||||
cEmail | string | optional | Customer person’s email address. | ||||||
cStreet | string | optional | Customer person’s street name. | ||||||
cStreetNumber | string | optional | Customer person’s street number. | ||||||
cZip | string | optional | Customer person’s postcode. | ||||||
cCity | string | optional | Customer person’s city. | ||||||
cWebsite | string | optional | Customer person’s website. | ||||||
cPhone | string | optional | Customer person’s phone number. | ||||||
cPrivateIsCompanyAddress | int | optional | Enumeration value that defines if customer person’s address should be used as actual business address for the customer:
| ||||||
cCompany | string | optional | Customer company’s name. | ||||||
cCompanyStreet | string | optional | Customer business address street name. | ||||||
cCompanyStreetNumber | string | optional | Customer business address street number. | ||||||
cCompanyZip | string | optional | Customer business address postcode. | ||||||
cCompanyCity | string | optional | Customer business address city. | Documents Holder Scheme||||||
Anchor | document | document | docToken | string||||||
cExternalReferences | array | optional5 | Holder of a token which allows for access to An array of objects, containing custom values requested to properly identify the customer on the partners system, for example CRM tool. See External References Scheme bellow. | ||||||
Documents Holder Scheme
| |||||||||
docToken | string | optional5 | Holder of a token which allows for access to documents per link. Check Documents Token Scheme bellow. | ||||||
files | array | optional | List of objects. Every document has it’s own object. Check File Scheme bellow. | ||||||
Documents Token Scheme
| |||||||||
token | string | required | Token which allows for access to documents per link. | ||||||
expired | string | required | Expiration date for document token | ||||||
File Scheme
| |||||||||
name | string | required | The name of the file. | ||||||
fullName | string | required | The name of the file, including file extension. | ||||||
hash | string | required | An unique identifier of the file. | ||||||
fullFilePath | string | required | The link for downloading file. | ||||||
documentPurpose | string | required | Enumeration value that defines the purpose of the file on Thinksurance System:
| ||||||
External References
| |||||||||
origin | string | required | Enumeration value that defines to source of the external reference attached to either customer or inquiry:
| ||||||
paramKey | string | required | An unique name of the attribute that holds a value from the CRM tool. | ||||||
paramValue | string | required | A concrete value of the attribute from the CRM tool. | ||||||
1 It is not provided for inquiries in the status 2, 3, 4. 2 Value represented in EUR. 3 In some cases (specific products like Firmenrechtsschutz) it could be string(“unbegrenzt”). 4 Value represented in CENTS. 5 Required if there is at least one file in the list. |